SHANE ALI: Embracing Transformation as a Sacred Journey
From the depths of addiction, Shane Ali's powerful story of redemption and renewal stands as a testament to the incredible potential of natural, plant medicines in facilitating profound personal transformation. For over two decades, Shane battled his demons, but with unwavering determination, daily practices, and a resolute will, he emerged from the ashes, reborn through the grace of these transformative plant allies.
In his sacred journey, Shane's relationship with these powerful medicines has become an integral part of his life's purpose. Having studied under the guidance of numerous esteemed medicine servers from diverse traditions, he now honors the sacred wisdom bestowed upon him by serving as a conduit for a higher power. With reverence, respect, and an unwavering commitment to safety, he facilitates transformative experiences for others, guiding them towards their own healing and growth.
Throughout his journey, Shane has witnessed the miraculous impact of these ceremonies in churches across the country. Hundreds of individuals have found solace, transformation, and healing through his compassionate guidance, leaving an indelible mark on their lives.
Living a life of gratitude and service, Shane's mission is grounded in the spirit of giving back. His commitment to helping others extends beyond sacred ceremonies; he embraces a multifaceted approach to healing. Through his coaching, integration sessions, and fostering personal accountability, Shane empowers others to navigate their own paths to growth and fulfillment.
As he continues his own evolution, Shane recognizes that there is still much work to be done in the realm of healing and progress, not only for himself but for the betterment of others and the world. With unwavering dedication, he aspires to touch as many lives as possible, guiding them towards a brighter future filled with transformation, hope, and purpose.
Shane Ali's profound journey serves as an inspiration, a beacon of light for those seeking the path of healing and self-discovery. With deep reverence for these sacred medicines, he carries forward a legacy of compassion and service.
All donations will go to the mission of continuing the work of serving others.
Book "Hope After Dope- Ayahuasca and Recovery" coming soon.
Available for speaking engagements!

Mount Shiva Plant Medicine Retreats
A Sacred and Safe Space for Men to Commune and Heal

These Men's Retreats are a rare opportunity for men of differing backgrounds, races, and levels of spiritual growth to come together and heal as divine kings. Sacred plant medicine ceremonies are held in the evening and during the day there are outdoor activities. From whitewater rafting, swimming with manatees, kayaking and other grounding and reconnecting opportunities, we go back to source, mother, nature, together. There are rapé (sacred tobacco snuff) ceremonies daily, meditation and mantra work as well as lots of laughing, sharing and music making around the sacred fire. Constant integration is a key aspect of these weekends as well as on going post ceremony integration. These are divine gatherings held in a safe space, led by spirit but faciliated by man. It is a chance to find a community of supportive gentlemen. All of us are growing and learning together. You should definitely join us! Reach out down below.

If you or someone you know wants to attend a Men's Retreat or needs Recovery Coaching, or Plant Medicine Integration contact me via text first. Also if you need to contact me for speaking engagements or performances please also text.
Planet Earth